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“Relationship Between Mohri Bushiro and Kurobe” Exhibition Catalogue 「毛利武士郎と黒部」展覧会図録

The exhibition catalogue of the “Relationship Between Mohri Bushiro and Kurobe” show has been published by the Kurobe City Art Museum. The exhibition was co-organised with the Coelacanth – Bushiro Mohri Memorial Museum. As well as the installation views of the exhibitions and texts by the exhibition curator Chikako Shakudo tracing the trajectory of how Mohri’s work had been developed in each era, it importantly contains the most updated lists of works, bibliography and biography of the sculptor. The catalogue also features a new essay written by Naoko Mabon, Mohri Bushiro researcher. To purchase a copy, please visit Kurobe City Art Museum’s website. (Please note: the catalogue is written only in Japanese.)

「毛利武士郎と黒部」展の図録が黒部市美術館より出版されました。本展は「シーラカンス 毛利武士郎記念館」との共催による展覧会。展示風景や、本展企画担当の尺戸智佳子(黒部市美術館学芸員)による各時代ごとにどう作品が展開したかを辿る解説テキストに加え、今回大幅にアップデートされた作品リスト、文献リスト、略歴を掲載。また、毛利武士郎研究者のメイボン尚子による新テキストも掲載されています。ご購入は黒部市美術館のウェブサイトをご覧ください。