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Article on the “Relationship between Bushiro Mohri and Kurobe” for Bijutsutecho 『美術手帖』誌への寄稿「生誕100年 毛利武士郎と黒部」展によせて

Installation view from the exhibition Relationship between Bushiro Mohri and Kurobe at Kurobe City Art Museum in Toyama Prefecture. Photo: Ryohei Yanagihara

Naoko Mabon contributed an article to Bijutsutecho magazine (web edition) reporting on the exhibition Relationship between Bushiro Mohri and Kurobe, recently held at Kurobe City Art Museum in Toyama Prefecture. It was an exhibition celebrating the 100th birthday of the late sculptor.

To read the article (in Japanese), please click here.
(Please note: there is a small membership fee to read the whole article, but there seems to be a two-week trial for the membership.)

メイボン尚子が『美術手帖』(ウェブ版)に、4月半ばから6月末にかけて富山県・ 黒部市美術館で開催された「Kurobe Art Research vol.2 生誕100年 毛利武士郎と黒部」展をレポートする文章を寄せました。こちらから記事をご覧いただけます。(*有料記事ですが会員2週間お試しもあるようです)